Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Random Things about ME!

1. I learned to boogie board when I lived in Hawaii.
2. I was 'Queen of Fort Worth' when I was 1 yr. (You knew there was an aire of royalty about me, didn't you?)
3. I am still traumatized by JAWS when he attacked me at Universal Studios when I was 4!
4. Cass, Kristine & Jess - we've known each other for over 12 years and we are still BFFF's!
5. I'm fluent in Pig Latin.
6. I still watch 'Saved By The Bell' reruns.
7. My best karaoke experience: singing "Sweet Home Alabama" w/ Ronnie.
8. I have an internal compass - it takes a lot for me to get lost. (Thanks Mom!)
9. I can beat you up! :-)
10. I once had two one one car... (beat that Kara!)
11. When I was in high school, I was the biggest Backstreet Boys fan. (Well, next to Beth & Kat!) Nick was my fave.
12. At work,I sometimes hum the 'Law & Order' theme song in my head instead of listening to my P's talk.
13. I have 2 tattoos and they both have special meaning.
14. There is nothing more peaceful to me, than being under water - snorkeling or swimming - just as long as I am not drowning. (Which I almost did once. Shout out to Dee, who saved me!!!)
15. I secretly love scrapbooking.
16. I am not-so-secretly in love w/ HP and Edward Cullen.
17. Favorite song right now: "It's my life" by Bon Jovi.
18. Matthew McConaughey, Channing Tatum, Jensen Ackles, David Beckham, and Shemar no certain order.
19. My favorite time of year is spring, even though I am allergic to it.
20. When I was 12, I smashed my pinkie finger in a bathroom door and at the bowling is STILL crooked!
21. According to my baby book, my first word was at 5 months, I was walking by 9 months, and I was talking in full sentences by 18 months.
22. My favorite food is pizza - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
23. I was stung by two Portuguese one time!
24. My mothering instinct comes from the fact that I'm an older sister and the oldest out of 6 cousins.
25. When I was 18 months old, Mom took me to a day care so that I could socialize w/ other kids. When the daycare worker was giving her instructions to bring my diapers and bottles, I informed her: "But I don't need diapers! I'm potty trained!!"

Sunday, January 4, 2009