Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thinking Positive

Well, the dentist said there was 'little hope' for saving my tooth. Apparently, I broke it a while back and now not even a root canal will help - they have to extract it. I don't know when I broke it, but it has just recently started hurting - I'm talking major pain! Unfortunately, the dentist is sending me to an oral surgeon and now I can not even get in for a consult until June 5th.
Grrr....this is so frustrating!
I have tried everything I can to get in to earlier because I want the tooth pulled before I go to Italy....but no one sees this as an emergency and say that I will not be approved for surgery until after I get back.
I feel that I have to stay positive: Maybe my oral surgeon will be my future husband. Maybe I will loose weight because it hurts to eat.
Who knows....
Maybe God has some grand plan!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Split Second

I got a glimpse of him and my heart stopped, I stopped breathing and time stood still. It was just a split second, but it seemed like an eternity. How could I feel so much emotion in such a short period of time? Hope, Excitement, Fear, Sadness, Despair.....all ran through my body.

I saw his profile - his hair, his eye, his ear.....and as my brain processed this, I felt a twinge. Was it hope? Was this really him? Or was it despair? Did I want to see him so bad that I imagined it? Am I going crazy? As the rest of his face came into focus, I felt as if my knees would buckle. I felt my feet hit the ground, the weight of the world came crashing down on me.....reality set in. How silly of me.... I know I won't see him again - not on this earth.

Everyone Has a Beginning

I was raised Catholic, mainly because my dad's family were practicing Catholics. Everything was so ritualistic, we did things because we had to. I grew up knowing that Jesus died on the cross, but the way I was was as if He had to, simply because he was the Son of God. I went through the motions because I had to, not because I wanted to. It's sad to say, that is the way I thought religion went. God was God and I had to go through my First Communion to make Him happy. I had to confess my sins to a priest and say my pennants for Him to forgive me.

In the summer after I turned 13, my parents were going through a divorce. My sister and I went to stay with my grandparents (on my mother's side). My Grandma was a Baptist - and I found myself in a completely different world! "Why do these people sing so much? Why is the preacher so excited? Why aren't they kneeling and crossing themselves? They all look so happy! Something is Definitely wrong here!" I couldn't have been more wrong...... :-)

My Grandmother sent me to church camp for a week. The second night at camp is what changed my life. I still remember it like it was yesterday..... I was crammed into a small worship center with about a 100 middle schoolers - It was probably 150 degrees. When the youth director started talking about salvation, I felt as if he was talking directly to me....suddenly, there was no one else around me and my mind was swimming with his words.

He explained that Jesus was sent to this earth to save ME. He suffered and died on the cross for that I can be forgiven.....and go to be with Him. Not because he HAD to, but because He wanted to. He loved ME that much!

I know it sounds cheesy, but really, in that 150 degree weather, I felt a chill - and it felt like this cloud that had been fogging up my head was removed.... Believe it or not, in my 13 years of life, I had a LOT that needed to be forgiven (and that is a different post :-) )....but it was more than was a certain comfort that I felt. I knew from that point on, I was safe.....I would be ok.....because with Son of God on my can I not be?